Resident, non-aided school is being run in a tribal village called Aghane located in tribal area since year 2002. Many students have availed education in this school and they are currently employed at reputed firms. As on today, 90 students are availing education in this school. Students from various diversified communities like Katkari, Mahadev Koli, Thakar, Bauddha, Faseparadhi (Trappers), etc. are studying in this school. This school has relatively higher proportion of girls than usual. Various initiatives and trainings are made available by Dnana Prabodhini, Pune, Door Step School and QUEST (Quality Education Support Trust), Sonale.
The expenses per student are Rs.25000 approximately per annum which also includes cost of food and stay since it is a residential school.
Balwadis (Kindergarten):
Due to relatively higher proportion of malnutrition in tribal areas, Shashwat Trust had kicked off its work through Balwadi (Kindergarten) project. Initially, our trust was running 32 Balwadis. All the Balwadis have been converted into Government Anganwadis. Even today, our trust is running 7 Balwadis. A total of 80 students are availing education through this initiative. Our trust is providing assistance in relation to nutritional diet, uniforms, toys, etc. to these students.
₹ 40,00,000
Budget required
₹ 0
Funds raised
This amount would be utilized for teachers salary, administrative expenses and 88 children from 1st to 7th standards